
Mrs. Joe Wilson: My husband is the “nut” who “hollered out, ‘you lie.’”

Politico reports that Rep. Joe Wilson’s (R-SC) wife, Roxanne Wilson, admitted that she couldn’t believe her husband was “the nut” who shouted “you lie” during President Obama’s speech before a joint session of Congress last week. In a campaign video in support of her husband’s reelection, Roxanne explains:

“I watched the speech. Joe called me after the speech on Wednesday night and I said, ‘Joe who’s the nut who hollered out “you lie,” “you liar”?’ And he goes, ‘It was me.’ And I said, ‘No really! Who did it?’ I couldn’t believe that Joe would say that!”

Watch it:


Mrs. Wilson, who met her husband at teenage Republican camp, said that Joe “is very passionate” and that he doesn’t deserve the treatment he’s been getting from Congress.” She’s not worried though, stating “he’ll be fine.”


Wilson’s home-state colleague, Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), said Joe “broke House rules.” Inglis added, “That problem could easily be fixed by an apology to the House. In the absence of an apology, the House could choose to police itself through a resolution of disapproval.”


,Last week, Sen. George LeMieux (R-FL) said Wilson “should be censured.”[updat